Interactive stage

Inteligencias Múltiples In_Exo_Corporea fuses dance, science, technology and society into a mould-breaking format.

Escena interactiva

#02BRUMA is a performance with environmental thematics, performative languages and bio-scenographic-technological devices developed by Kòniclab specifically for this project.

Interactive stage

#01BRUMA is a performative concert of plants and post-humans, that evolves from acoustic and visual signals, registered live from a vegetal set, monitored and connected to an interactive device made by kòniclab for this action.

Escena interactiva

#14::SKYLINE_EXTENDED:: is a show consisting of dance, music and live visuals where two female dancers, a female performer and a male musician interact with the spaces and stage scenery and props in a performance of poetry and dance.

Escena interactiva

#14::SKYLINE:: A live visual and music concert designed for conventional stages with frontal view from the (seated) audience , in which a dancer will interact with the various elements of the set and perform a danced poetry ritual. A flowing entanglement of movements, music and live images.

Interactive stage

Second edition of the Digital Stage Festival. Digital stage is a space for reflection about the performing arts and the possibilities offered by the use of new technologies.

Escena interactiva

Hypernature is a site specific creation for dance, music and moving image. A show that explores our relationship with the Universe through our links with color, light and objects.

Interactive stage

The ‘Digital Stage Workshop’ is a space for reflection on the future of the performing arts and new stages generated by the use of new technologies.

Interactive stage

Konic Thtr develops and presents a show in Shadok – digital factory in Strasbourg – working as artists in residence with the collaboration with young dancers from the dance department from at Strasbourg University.

Interactive stage

A multiformat project by Kònic thtr. A site specific creation for dance, in interaction with music and live visuals.

Interactive stage

‘BEFORE THE BEEP’ is a site specific performance and dance piece, and at the same time an interactive installation, in which the audience can participate live and remotely; from their mobile phones, through the network and on site, interacting with the piece.

Interactive stage

A {d’Aigua} is a highly visual performance that brings together one dancer, one performer and one musician to compose audiovisual environment in real time.

Interactive stage

A wireless electronic sensor device, which we developed in Kònic, to realize motion recognition.

Escena interactiva

4 Scenes and 4 different views. The body behaves like a machine, it needs food to stay alive,
in this piece we show the different ways in which the body gets nourished, not just with aliments, also emotionally and spiritually.

Escena interactiva

The dramaturgy of NOU I_D is understood as plural-narrative; a mesh of languages, musical, choreographic, text and multimedia, articulated by the performers in real time.

Escena interactiva

2005- 2007. Exploring the idea of Non- Place. A performance on an interactive stage, in which the actions and textual, choreographic and sound interventions from three performers create stunning audiovisuals worlds.

Escena interactiva

True is an interactive installation created for the show of the same name by the intermediate collective Fierce.

Escena interactiva

A multimedia performance with random sound composition, generated through light, stage movement and skin as data transmitter.