Escena interactiva

No Lugares. Interactive Performance.

A performance on an interactive stage, in which the actions and textual, choreographic and sound interventions from three performers create stunning audiovisuals worlds.

2005- 2007

Exploring the idea of non-place.

Interactive devices, created by Kònic Thtr for this project and based on computer vision and wireless sensors, catch the pulse of the performer’s movements and convert them to digital impulses.

Videographic images, 3D environments, Motion Capture based computer animations and sound all respond to the inputs of the performers to endow the ‘non-place’ with an identity. The communication between the digital and the human conveys messages full of actuality, fragility and magic for the audience.


Created for Nits Estiu’ CaixaForum – La Caixa Foundation, Barcelona (Spain 2005).


CaixaForum. La Caixa Foundation
(Barcelona, Spain 2005)

La Caixa Foundation
(Lleida, Spain 2006)

20 Semaine Internationale de la Photo
(Riedisheim. Alsacia. France 2007)

14 International Festival of Video Art of Casablanca
(Casablanca. Morocco 2007)

Keywords: Relational space, non place, augmented and interactive stage, computer vision, augmented reality, motion capture.

Direcció i Performance:

Rosa Sánchez

Creació dansa:

Leo Castro

Música i programació visual:

Alain Baumann

Modelado 3D - arquitectura:

Sonia Cillari

Modelado 3d Clon:

Juan Carlos Olmos


With the collaboration of:

Creation center L’Animal a l’Esquena
Nau Ivanow
Mediateca La Caixa