Interactive stage

Before the Beep. Interactive performance · 2011 – 2012

‘BEFORE THE BEEP’ is a site specific performance and dance piece, and at the same time an interactive installation, in which the audience can participate live and remotely; from their mobile phones, through the network and on site, interacting with the piece.

Before the Beep refers to the changes of perception in interpersonal communication mediated by new technologies, and to the spaces that this mediation generates.

The piece confronts the body with these same communication technologies, and explores how these re-write the body and change our understanding of place and the idea of presence, redefining narratives.

We understand the installation space as a visual and sound universe open to be revisited and activated by the moving body, through its technological membrane.

The microcapsules or microspaces, offer various points of view of the same show and a multiplicity of readings proper to contemporary communication. The spaces are connected by the projected images and music generated in real time from the inputs of the performers and the audience.

The audience can participate in several ways: through the use of technology in-situ through a local network installed and distributed on the same set, from their mobile phones, or interacting directly with motion sensors.


2011 Antic Teatre Barcelona.Spain
2011 Espaço Xisto Bahia. Salvador Bahia. Brazil
2011 EMPAC, Troy & CPRCenter for Performance Research NY. US
2011 DanStorm Festival Beijing & Rock Bund Museum Shanghai. China
2012 Liveness. CNART México DF
2012 Selection Award Bains numériques#7, Choreographic arts Section. Fest. Bains numériques -Enghien les Bains. France
2012 SESC Santana. Sao Paulo. Brazil




“Having 100 calls on your answering machine , and later decide what to do, answer them, or not… Make a call while someone else leaves us an SMS, call when you know the other is not there, have an answering machine permanently on and not receive any calls… But remember: your message has to be ready before the – Beeeeeeep.”



LINKS to Videos:

Extracts on Youtube

Work in Process presentation : at EMPAC

Before The Beep Crossing Borders. Co-creation process in Brazil, China, United States:

LAMALLA TENDENCIES (with short interview in Spanish)


Artistic and Stage direction:

Rosa Sánchez

Technological direction:

Alain Baumann


Sachiko Fullita & Miryam Garcia Mariblanca (Bcn.SP) Grace MaCants, Paul Magic DiStefano (US) Elke Siedler, Rita Aquino (Bahia. Brazil) Monica Siedler, Alexandre Magno (Sao Paulo. Brazil) Wang Ya Nan, Gong Zhong Hui (China)

Live AV-performance:

Rosa Sánchez Alain Baunmann

Sound Composition:

Alain Baunmann Thomas Bell (US)

Video and Computer Graphics:

Adolf Alcañiz Rosa Sánchez Christina de Roos (US)


Alain Baumann, interaction development


Marc Lleixà


Carme Puigdevall


Koniclab Kònic thtr


Antic Teatre/Adriantic (Bcn) Shanghai DanStorm Fest (China) ChezBuschwick, NY, EMPAC, Troy, Spread Art, Detroit (US) Iberescena (Brazil)


Paper Tiger Dance Co. (China) Withdel Art, Detroit, (US)


Spain Culture New York- Consulate General of Spain (US), ICUB. Ajuntament de Barcelona (SP) Ramon Llull Institute (SP) Ajuntament de Barcelona (SP) Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya (SP)