The things that cannot be touched /// Espai no Tàctil

/// Espai no Tàctil

Kònic Thtr

Networked Performance. Real Time distributed event over internet

Cities: Barcelona, Spain – Eindhoven, Netherland

Dates: September 1,2 and 3 : Simultaneous public presentations in Barcelona and Eindhoven

Places : ParkTheatre. Eindhoven. Netherlan and Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació. Barcelona

In Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de creaciò LIMITED SEATS. Book Barcelona (free)
Book for Eindhoven : Book Eindhoven

The things that cannot be touched ///  Espai no tàctil

Is a site specific teledistributed dance project, created specifically for The Best Of The Fest Dance Festival in Eindhoven. Netherland

A performance for music and dance, talking about the things that cannot be touched, but that can touch us. The image of someone, a whisper, a movement, initiated many miles away can be so far and feel so close. ‘The things that cannot be touched’ is a distributed performance between two location, in which a performer in Barcelona, a dancer in Eindhoven will be together with the audience in Park Theatre, Eindhoven and Fabra i Coats, Barcelona. The audience in each location will be witnessing this live encounter between the two performers for that moment in which time and space loose their significance. Motions, music and streamed images entangled.

Concept and stage direction: Rosa Sánchez
Dance Creation Barcelona : Mar Medina
Dance Creation Eindhoven : Victoria Macarte
Performance : Rosa Sanchez
Live Music : Alain Baumann
Live Visuals : Alain Baumann and Adolf Alcañiz
Lights : Llorenç Parra
Camera Barcelona : Albert Mena
Network: Gerard Castillo and Gü
Stage Assistant: Tirso Orive
Coordination: Marta Gort
Production: Koniclab

Network Collaborator Barcelona:

Thanks :

The Team at Fabra i Coats
The Team at The Best of the Fest Dance Festival
Maria Isabel Gandía (CSUC)
Manel Rodríguez. l’Estruch. Sabadell

Collaborators :
Network Collaborador Barcelona: Xarxa / Associació Expansió de la Xarxa Oberta
Districts of Creativity Network
The Best of the Fest. Eindhoven. Holanda
L’Estruch. Ajuntament de Sabadell
Project in residence in Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació. City Council of Barcelona

With the support of:
City Council Barcelona
Culture Department of the Catalan Governement.