KICK OFF PRESENTATION OF THE NEW PROJECT EUPM, Cos(ArtEina2) With the participation of the company Kònic thtr, Rosa Sánchez and Alain Baumann, the company Baal, Catalina Carrasco and Gaspar Morey and the company K. Danse, Jean Marc Matos. The Cos(ArtEina2) project proposes the organization, production, comunication and exhibition of the “Jornadas Cos(ArtEina2)”, sessions of digital culture de expanded to the live arts, with training, debates, and exhhibition of live arts and digital culture, critical, inclusive ecologist and feminist. These workshhops will be shared with the audience in Palma (Mallorca) , Barcelona (Cataluña) and Toulouse (Occitania).
More information about the project on our website and on social networks Facebook e Instagram.